Time to Upgrade Your Graco Matrix Systems

With the successful launch of Pulse® Pro in 2018, Graco’s support to the Matrix system will be ending soon to focus their resources on Pulse. If you currently are operating with the Graco Matrix system, please consider letting the Dakota Fluid Power team help you migrate to the Pulse Pro system. We have on-site technical staff to help make this transition smooth and painless for your business. Please reach out to Lucas Schoen, Lubrication Product Manager to schedule a discussion today!
Please see below for important information on Matrix support. At this time, we are urging all Matrix customers to upgrade their system to Pulse Pro, the most advanced fluid management system on the market. The Pulse Pro HUB eliminates the need for a PC and its related software support, and instead provides your fluid management as an online dashboard. Please reach out to Dakota Fluid Power’s Lubrication team for more details on Pulse Pro and how to upgrade your system today.
Key Dates:
July 31, 2023: Matrix Basic, Premiere and Professional software support ends.
Matrix is fully functional with Windows® 10 operating system. Any changes or updates you make to your Windows operating system after this date will not be supported by Graco and may impact functionality of your Matrix system.
January 31, 2025: Matrix Hardware support ends.
With the release of Pulse in 2018, Matrix components will no longer be stocked and available starting January 31, 2025. This means our inventory is limited to the parts we have on hand. We have done our best to ensure stock will not run out before this date, but cannot guarantee availability through this date.
December 31, 2025: Matrix DMS integration support ends. If any of our DMS partners change software requirements that impact your integration, Graco will not support software updates to maintain integration access after this date.
Lucas Schoen, Lubrication Product Manager
Dakota Fluid Power
763-614-9860 or lubrication@dakotafluidpower.com