VP Instruments Instrumentation

VP Instruments Instrumentation
VPFlowScope Probe - Thermal Mass
The VPFlowScope® Probe measures mass flow, temperature and pressure simultaneously. This probe can handle various diameters and measures in both directions. This makes it the ultimate compressed air audit tool used by leading auditors worldwide. Although the VPFlowScope® Probe has been designed for dry compressed air, we also have a measuring probe for wet compressed air; the VPFlowScope DP.

The bright blue LCD display provides real-time information and with the built-in data logger, you can record for certain periods of time. Combine this with our VPStudio software on your pc and you can use this information to process data, print reports and analyze where and how exactly you can save money.

  • ThermabridgeTM technology
  • High dynamic range
  • Three sensors in one instrument
  • Standard Modbus and 4 … 20 mA
  • Bi-directional
  • Quick return on investment
  • Air audits
  • Demand side monitoring
  • Sub metering of compressed air
  • Ring networks (bi-directional)
VP Instruments VPFlowScope Probe Brochure PDF
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Equipment Service AssociationESA membership consists of businesses who are substantially engaged in sales or service of hydraulically, pneumatically, or electrically operated tools, components and equipment.
Fluid Power Distributors AssociationFPDA is the professional network for fluid power, automation and motion technology providers dedicated to significantly enhancing member and channel performance by delivering indispensable networking, education and success strategies.
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